Discussion Text Is the text that is used to present (at least) two points of view about issue. Atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Discussion Text adalah adalah teks yang digunakan untuk menyajikan suatu pendapat melalui dua sudut pandang yang berbeda mengenai sebuah isu. Sudut pandang yang dimaksud adalah bisa pro (mendukung) dan kontra (bertentangan).
Di bawah ini, saya akan tuliskan beberapa Contoh Discussion Text singkat beserta Generic Structurenya. Silahkan sobat simak baik – baik.
Daftar Isi :
Discussion text about “GAME”
Game comes from the English
language meaning the game. In
every game there are different rules –
different to start the game that make
the game more varied types. Almost
everyone love to play games either
small children, teenagers and adults,
may only differ from the types of
games he played alone. Game is an
integral part for life.
Argument For
Many people think that playing games can
be used as entertainment while being
stressed, games for kids is an excellent
medium to increase intelligence, brain
development and responsiveness.
Moreover, it can improve concentration and
trained to solve problems accurately and
quickly because in the game there are
conflicts or problems that require us to
complete it accurately and quickly. Games
favored by all ages, from children to adults.
Argument againt
There are also people who think that
playing games can affect a person’s life,
by playing games on the computer too
long will damage the eye, and if it can not
control his mind not to continue playing
the game then that person has an
addiction that can not be thinking about
the good things and more important than
just playing games all the time and make
the other activities to be delayed.
So, should we have to divide their time
between playing games and doing
other activities. Other activities in
order to run smoothly and not delayed.
Besides playing games activities also
continue running and does not
interfere with other activities.
Itulah dia Contoh Discussion Text Singkat beserta Generic Structure. Jangan lupa, sobat bisa menjumpai artikel ini dengan mengetik kata kunci di bawah ini.
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